37th Annual UCF High School Programming Tournament

March 13, 2023

Final Standings

RankTeam NameProblems SolvedPenalty Pointsprincessstrongholdjaildiceeyesorehexspychameleoncoincakehorroruhc
1Atlantic Community High School #11013830 ....1 ....2 1:105 3:562 2:416 3:541 1:243 0:384 0:341 0:251 0:081 2:53
2Doral Academy #196050 ....6 ....1 0:464 3:440 ....2 1:341 0:571 0:141 0:121 0:331 0:051 0:40
3Timber Creek High School #196502 ....3 3:531 1:322 ....0 ....1 0:571 0:471 0:042 0:162 0:481 0:081 1:05
4Trinity Preparatory School #298232 ....2 ....1 1:130 ....2 3:524 2:403 1:461 0:111 0:051 0:441 0:171 0:55
5American Heritage School Broward Campus #298900 ....7 ....1 1:540 ....1 3:043 2:021 1:211 0:153 0:431 0:271 0:091 3:35
6Suncoast High School #299761 ....3 ....5 3:221 ....2 3:432 2:182 1:581 0:083 0:541 0:191 0:021 0:32
7Doral Academy #2912580 ....1 1:255 3:361 ....0 ....4 3:543 2:381 0:473 1:121 0:111 0:041 3:31
8Pine Crest School #185970 ....3 ....1 1:510 ....0 ....2 0:551 1:111 0:152 0:501 0:271 0:191 3:29
9Doral Academy #386280 ....3 ....1 1:370 ....0 ....6 3:131 0:411 0:042 1:231 0:231 0:081 0:59
10American Heritage School Broward Campus #486610 ....6 ....3 2:270 ....0 ....2 1:422 1:281 0:112 1:261 0:351 0:211 1:11
11American Heritage School Broward Campus #186840 ....3 ....3 2:040 ....0 ....4 2:591 1:221 0:111 0:402 1:141 0:071 0:47
12Timber Creek High School #588430 ....0 ....1 0:570 ....0 ....3 2:451 1:581 0:055 2:581 0:351 0:101 2:35
13The First Academy #189210 ....0 ....1 1:310 ....0 ....4 1:411 2:201 0:034 3:271 0:181 0:101 3:51
14Pine Crest School #589860 ....0 ....2 1:476 ....0 ....3 2:392 3:571 0:163 2:491 0:381 0:121 2:08
15Freedom High School #274282 ....0 ....1 1:391 ....0 ....5 ....1 0:291 0:064 2:471 0:151 0:081 0:44
16Freedom High School #175000 ....0 ....3 3:433 ....0 ....5 ....1 0:531 0:042 0:341 0:131 0:071 1:46
17Bishop Moore Catholic High School #175360 ....0 ....1 2:340 ....0 ....4 ....1 1:221 0:092 1:181 0:112 0:361 2:06
18Seminole High School #176010 ....1 2:325 1:580 ....0 ....6 ....1 0:561 0:043 1:511 0:271 0:130 ....
19Timber Creek High School #378860 ....0 ....1 3:480 ....0 ....2 3:142 2:441 0:052 2:193 0:471 0:090 ....
20Timber Creek High School #278940 ....0 ....4 2:420 ....0 ....2 1:302 3:011 0:066 3:431 0:221 0:100 ....
21Hagerty High School #3710110 ....0 ....2 3:540 ....0 ....0 ....2 2:211 0:403 3:224 0:561 0:271 2:51
22American Heritage School Broward Campus #363800 ....0 ....2 ....2 ....0 ....2 ....1 1:481 0:451 0:201 0:561 0:281 2:03
23North Broward Preparatory School #364640 ....0 ....1 2:100 ....0 ....3 1:480 ....1 0:102 1:381 0:221 0:360 ....
24Lecanto High School #165060 ....0 ....0 ....0 ....0 ....1 ....1 2:591 0:093 1:451 1:071 0:441 1:02
25Suncoast High School #165270 ....0 ....3 ....0 ....0 ....1 1:573 ....3 1:021 0:491 0:361 0:061 3:37
26Orlando Science Middle/High School #165590 ....4 ....4 ....0 ....0 ....2 ....1 2:261 0:332 1:371 1:051 0:581 2:20
27Pembroke Pines Charter High School #165910 ....1 ....1 3:450 ....0 ....3 ....2 1:221 0:092 3:021 0:391 0:140 ....
28North Broward Preparatory School #165920 ....0 ....5 3:492 ....0 ....1 ....1 1:341 0:234 0:411 0:541 0:110 ....
29West Boca Raton Community High School #266000 ....1 ....1 1:120 ....0 ....0 ....2 3:162 0:562 2:291 0:521 0:150 ....
30Jupiter High School #167810 ....1 ....1 0:560 ....0 ....1 1:221 3:231 2:252 ....3 3:521 0:230 ....
31Jupiter High School #452540 ....0 ....1 ....0 ....0 ....2 ....1 1:571 0:053 1:071 0:161 0:090 ....
32The First Academy #353530 ....0 ....1 ....0 ....0 ....5 ....2 2:161 0:182 1:062 0:471 0:260 ....
33Winter Springs High School #254140 ....0 ....1 1:540 ....0 ....0 ....0 ....1 0:434 2:271 0:201 0:300 ....
34Suncoast High School #354171 ....0 ....0 ....0 ....0 ....4 ....1 3:121 0:073 2:051 0:401 0:130 ....
35The First Academy #254390 ....0 ....2 1:450 ....0 ....3 ....3 ....1 0:223 2:181 1:401 0:140 ....
36Eastside High School #154850 ....0 ....2 0:410 ....0 ....0 ....1 ....2 0:304 3:481 0:481 0:380 ....
37Trinity Preparatory School #354930 ....0 ....8 ....0 ....0 ....0 ....0 ....1 0:262 1:381 1:013 0:501 3:18
38North Broward Preparatory School #455240 ....0 ....7 ....0 ....0 ....0 ....2 2:441 0:264 1:395 1:081 0:070 ....
39Hagerty High School #155940 ....0 ....0 ....0 ....0 ....11 ....1 2:241 0:062 2:453 3:301 0:090 ....
40North Broward Preparatory School #556050 ....0 ....4 ....0 ....0 ....1 ....1 3:581 0:422 3:061 1:122 0:270 ....
41Horizon High School #241600 ....0 ....2 ....0 ....0 ....0 ....1 2:031 0:090 ....1 0:231 0:050 ....
42Pine Crest School #341980 ....0 ....1 ....0 ....0 ....1 ....0 ....1 0:281 1:311 0:441 0:350 ....
43Trinity Preparatory School #442030 ....0 ....2 ....0 ....1 ....4 ....0 ....2 0:237 ....1 0:381 0:231 1:39
44Crooms Academy of Information Technology #242430 ....1 ....3 ....2 ....0 ....1 ....2 ....1 0:182 1:141 0:361 1:350 ....
45Winter Park High School #142480 ....0 ....3 ....0 ....0 ....2 ....0 ....1 0:042 2:201 0:472 0:170 ....
46Steinbrenner High School #142650 ....1 ....1 ....0 ....0 ....2 ....1 2:321 0:241 0:133 ....1 1:162 ....
47Freedom High School #442680 ....0 ....0 ....0 ....0 ....0 ....0 ....1 0:132 2:141 1:121 0:290 ....
48Crooms Academy of Information Technology #143320 ....0 ....8 ....0 ....0 ....0 ....0 ....1 0:146 2:411 0:302 0:070 ....
49Pine Crest School #443600 ....0 ....4 ....0 ....0 ....1 ....0 ....1 1:322 1:521 1:351 0:410 ....
50Pembroke Pines Charter High School #243750 ....0 ....0 ....0 ....0 ....0 ....0 ....1 0:203 2:431 1:011 1:310 ....
51Trinity Preparatory School #144630 ....0 ....5 ....0 ....0 ....1 ....3 ....1 0:267 3:001 1:213 0:160 ....
52West Boca Raton Community High School #344660 ....0 ....0 ....0 ....0 ....0 ....0 ....1 0:073 3:341 2:402 0:250 ....
53Pine Crest School #245010 ....0 ....0 ....0 ....0 ....0 ....0 ....1 2:314 3:131 1:001 0:370 ....
54Belen Jesuit Prep #245800 ....0 ....0 ....7 ....0 ....0 ....0 ....2 3:522 1:332 1:071 2:080 ....
55Bishop Moore Catholic High School #346760 ....0 ....1 ....0 ....0 ....0 ....2 ....1 0:156 3:326 3:202 0:290 ....
56Suncoast High School #43860 ....0 ....1 ....0 ....0 ....1 ....2 ....1 0:060 ....1 0:253 0:150 ....
57Hagerty High School #23950 ....0 ....0 ....0 ....0 ....0 ....3 ....1 0:210 ....1 0:401 0:340 ....
58Freedom High School #531080 ....0 ....4 ....0 ....0 ....0 ....0 ....1 0:350 ....1 0:551 0:180 ....
58Suncoast High School #531080 ....0 ....0 ....0 ....0 ....2 ....0 ....2 0:223 ....1 0:591 0:070 ....
60Bishop Moore Catholic High School #231180 ....0 ....0 ....0 ....0 ....0 ....0 ....1 0:122 ....2 1:061 0:200 ....
61Jupiter High School #531240 ....0 ....0 ....0 ....0 ....0 ....0 ....1 0:434 ....1 0:541 0:270 ....
62Freedom High School #331650 ....0 ....7 ....0 ....0 ....0 ....0 ....1 0:310 ....1 0:462 1:080 ....
63Belen Jesuit Prep #131740 ....0 ....4 ....0 ....0 ....0 ....0 ....1 0:132 ....1 1:331 1:081 ....
64Jupiter High School #332610 ....0 ....2 ....1 ....0 ....0 ....1 ....1 0:161 ....2 3:171 0:280 ....
65Horizon High School #332670 ....0 ....0 ....0 ....0 ....0 ....0 ....1 1:182 ....1 2:031 1:060 ....
66Winter Springs High School #133190 ....0 ....3 ....0 ....0 ....1 ....0 ....1 0:194 ....2 3:331 1:070 ....
67Jupiter High School #233470 ....0 ....0 ....0 ....0 ....0 ....1 ....1 0:370 ....2 2:294 1:210 ....
68Horizon High School #133650 ....0 ....0 ....2 ....0 ....0 ....1 ....1 0:290 ....1 1:173 3:390 ....
69American Heritage School Broward Campus #533800 ....0 ....1 ....0 ....0 ....1 ....1 ....1 1:415 ....3 2:081 1:510 ....
70Timber Creek High School #434220 ....0 ....0 ....0 ....0 ....0 ....0 ....2 ....7 2:571 0:411 1:241 ....
71West Boca Raton Community High School #121930 ....0 ....0 ....0 ....0 ....0 ....0 ....2 ....1 ....1 2:511 0:220 ....
72North Broward Preparatory School #222511 ....0 ....0 ....0 ....0 ....1 ....0 ....2 2:012 ....2 ....1 1:500 ....
72Winter Park High School #222510 ....0 ....2 ....0 ....0 ....0 ....0 ....1 1:340 ....5 ....2 2:170 ....
74Pembroke Pines Charter High School #311820 ....0 ....1 ....0 ....0 ....0 ....0 ....4 ....0 ....1 3:021 ....0 ....