Judged Runs and Responses

A program submitted for a judged run must pass the following criteria (in order):

  1. It must successfully compile on the judges' machine.
  2. In must execute on the judges' machine successfully (no abnormal termination, machine lock-up, etc.) and completely (within the given time limit).
  3. It must demonstrate that it solves the problem by producing correct answers.
  4. It must present the correct answers in the proper format, specified in the problem statement.
  5. It must produce complete output (answers for all cases given in the input file).


When you submit a program for a judged run, you will receive one of the following responses:


Your program has passed all the criteria listed above. You have solved that problem.

Compile Time Error:

Your program did not successfully compile at the judges' station.

Run-Time Error:

Your program terminated abnormally, or locked-up the judges' machine.

Time Limit Exceeded:

Your program ran longer than the allowed time on the judges' machine. The allowed time is a multiple of the judges' reference solution (in the same programming language) for that problem.

Wrong Answer:

Your program produced incorrect answers when tested on the judges' input data. It is not an acceptable solution to the problem.

Presentation Error:

Your program produced correct answers to the problem, but did not present the output in the manner specified in the problem.

Note: If formatting is an integral part of solving the problem (e.g. generating some kind of report or a maze), then "Wrong Answer" will be given instead of this message.